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Chapter Books: Secret of the Ron Mor Skerry



Fiona McConville is a child of the Western Isles, living on the Scottish mainland. City life doesnt suit Fiona and at age ten she is sent back to her beloved isles to live with her grandparents. There she learns more about her mothers strange ways with the seals and seabirds; hears stories of the selkies, mythological creatures that are half seal and half human; and wonders about her baby brother, Jamie, who disappeared long ago but whom fishermen claim to have seen. Fiona is determined to find Jamie and enlists her cousin Rory to help. When her grandparents are suddenly threatened with eviction, Fiona and Rory go into action. Secret of the Ron Mor Skerry is a magical story of the power of place and family history, interwoven with Scottish folklore. Rosalie K. Frys novel, which was the basis for John Sayless classic 1994 film The Secret of Roan Inish, is back in print for the first time in decades.

96 Pages | 5-1/2 x 8-1/2 | Middle Grade (8-12)

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