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About Us

Our enthusiasm for conscious, fashionable and timely children soon contributed to her own children's dreams. We love product design specifically for children.

Our vision is to provide a comprehensive, high-quality and simple product portfolio, which not only focuses on children, but also considers all products of modern and conscious family life. Our products combine the actual requirements of children with the aesthetic aspirations of parents.

We believe in timeless fashion, not trend and fast fashion. Simple, timeless design, restrained colors and a great deal of attention to details are the characteristics of our product series. Even in the design stage of the product, its service life also depends on the use of the best materials. We collect inspiration for our products from nature, travel or previous generations. Only materials suitable for children can perfectly coordinate design, durability and durability.

Choosing a material for our new clothes is a complex process and a balance between the source of the material and our fashion users - children. In most cases, we use fibers made of pure fabrics such as cotton, wool and cashmere. However, synthetic fibers have also made important contributions. They have a positive impact on wearing comfort and wear resistance, which is particularly important in children's fashion.